Monday, October 11, 2010

Choose to SEE - inspired by the Chapman family

I was sitting at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert when I learned Grandpa had gone to be with the Lord. In the foyer talking to Lana I could not fight back the tears when I heard. I took a deep breath and walked back in the church auditorium. I whispered to Ted, Grandpa is with the Lord now…..he asked if I needed to leave or go pray…I told him No, this was a good place to be right now. For those of you that do not know that the Chapmans lost their 5 year old daughter Maria in a tragic accident at their home 2 years ago. The concert was full of music and testimony of how God has helped them walk their journey of sorrow and that in the midst of all the grief and pain God had been leaving bread crumbs of hope. I had heard Mary Beth, the mom, on KSBJ interviewed about the upcoming event. I could hear healing and hope in her voice. In light of all our family has been through recently I craved to connect with this family because I knew if they could survive such a tragedy the hope would inspire me and our family, especially in regards to losing Lydia so soon.
The concert was amazing, I really felt God’s presence there….I felt sad and happy all at the same time. I also felt honored, privileged that I was able to have a look into the hearts and lives of this amazing, very real family.
Those of you who know me well, know that I have multiple half read books on my book shelves, on my night stand and all around my house. I get a new book that I am excited about delve into and get distracted by life and well…I never finish it…..Well Mary Beth Chapman’s book drew me in and I could not stop until I finished it this evening. In one week from beginning the book I completed it. A record for me! What was it about the book that captivated me?
A mother’s heart wonderfully displayed. It gave insight to who she is, how she arrived at the point of that life changing event, and how she has managed to get through it each day and sometimes just the moments. All the while she clings tight to her faith, giving all glory to the One who gave her the precious sweet child she misses. You see through this tragedy and this broken hearted mother and her family FAITH put to the REAL test….and not only do they survive, they are honoring God all the way…..But what really draws you even closer to the story was how God would appear in the midst of their sorrow…how he chose to give them bread crumbs of hope to keep them hanging on when nothing but faith could take them through the next moment…..You cannot know the Chapman’s story without SEEING GOD in it all the way.
Their little Maria, wrote on the back of the paper that she drew one of her signature flowers the word SEE. The Chapman’s discovered this after praying for God to help them SEE him thru the pain and sorrow. God had answered their prayer before they even prayed it.
It is hard not to become drawn to this family. It is hard to not to want to pray for them. It is even more difficult to not want to just sit in awe and wonder at the greatness of our Lord. How in the midst of such an unimaginable pain that he could carry this family through such an ordeal….all the while they are screaming out “ The gospel IS TRUE!”
I hate that the Chapman’s had to experience such loss….No one ever wants pain wished upon anyone….especially a pain so deep as the loss of a child…..but in their story I SEE God….it only confirms my faith even more and gives me hope for my own family as we are healing from pains that are deep…..
It is so wonderful to SEE that God’s promises of peace and hope are real and that joy does come in the morning…..
So as I sit here praying for what to say tomorrow to my family in reflection of the passing of my sweet Grandpa, I pray God lays a message on my heart that will help my family choose to SEE just how great our God is and that we should not wait until we are near death to taste and see that the Lord is good, but to start a relationship with him here and now….and if you have one with him take it to that next level…read his word, pray, seek Him and you will SEE that He gives us peace in this life that we cannot even get from those we love so much….you will SEE that He loves us more than we can imagine…..if you are a child or a parent you will get an insight into this …think of how you love your parent or child….that is a deep love…..imagine that God loves us even more than that… is hard to fathom, but through eyes of faith we can SEE that God is LOVE and he LOVES you and me more than we can imagine.

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