Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy New Year......

So yesterday I turned 37. I worked the morning.....went home to find my sweet, 5 year old had drawn me a birthday card. She was excited to give me my gift, a stuffed frog from the Princess and the Frog, which she bought from the Disney store. She knows I like frogs and that excites her. She would tilt her head numerous times and smile her sweet smile as she would say "Happy Birthday Mommy!" This warms my heart...

So many birthday wishes from family and makes you feel appreciated....acknowledged....that your life has a value and makes a difference as you celebrate the anniversary of your birth.

We spent the evening at our church's Fall Family Night. It was fun. I love events where people gather and you feel you are part of a community. There is a feeling of security and fullfillment when you are part of a community. I think it is because God designed us that way. From there we came home, my husband made me a special birthday dinner, we blew out 1 candle...I am 37, but I have one life and I am choosing to celebrate that! We then sat down as a family in our upstairs family room to watch How to Train Your Dragon. A cute movie. Then the day was over...but my new year has just begun....

The past year has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Through it all...I am safe and sound because God's peace and strength carried me through each moutaintop and every valley. I look back on all that has happened over the past many events, memories, interactions, and yet the year passed so quickly.

I look forward to my new year with the hope that has been in my life since I have known Jesus; with excitement as I anticipate more fun memories, sweet smiles, and warm hugs; with certainty as I know that ultimately no matter what storms come my anchor is the Lord. I am excited to see what will unfold this next year and hope that I can keep everpresent in my mind as I go about my daily living this thought: I hope to live with fervor and passion, not going through the motions, and at the end of the day I hope God's love that he fills me up with daily I was able to give away to all who cross my path...because when all is said and done.....Love is the only thing that matters and God is love.

Thanks to all who are a part of my life....thanks to those who love me enough with me to hold me accountable.....and thanks for all the encouragement, prayers, and the love.....

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